
My debut novel Pilgrims 2.0 was published in November 2023 from Acre Books. You can read about it and order it almost anywhere books are sold (like Bookshop.org). Available in paperback and for Kindle. My recent flash fiction and stories have appeared in Palisades Review, Lost Balloon, CRAFT, apt, and Spry Literary Journal, and Prick of the Spindle. I live in Athens, Georgia, with my husband and four children.

At the University of Georgia, I am the director of the Writing Intensive Program. I also serve as faculty advisor and editor for The Classic, the Writing Intensive Program’s journal of undergraduate writing and research. For the Office of Faculty Affairs, I co-lead the Creating a Sustainable Writing Practice Program. Since 2016, I have also co-led Write@UGA, a spotlight on writing across campus held annually in February. In the English Department, I teach writing courses like Digital Storytelling and Introduction to Creative Writing. Since 2019, have served as Associate Publisher for Resources for the Writing Across the Curriculum Clearinghouse. In 2023, I won the Early Career Contributions to the Field Award, sponsored by the WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum. “This award recognizes early career scholars who have made significant contributions to the field of WAC through scholarship or service.”

Photo Credit: Jamie DeRevere